Approaching the launch of my new business in 2016—everything changed—when yet again, biosolids were dumped by our home. This was not our plan.
We pursued facts to understand our illnesses, not knowing a mission would unfold. Each new discovery was so unbelievable—and counter to the claims of the 503 Rule—we were compelled to continue pursuing more facts to verify the previous. Our top five learnings were these:
It wasn’t just us
The claims of the 503 Rule are harmfully misleading
Authorities are blindly trusting an insufficient and ineffective rule
The industry is doing what the rule allows
The cards are stacked against us

Revealing our research to you is uncomfortable. Revealing our hearts to you is not. We believe in right and wrong. Fact and fiction. Loving our neighbor. Doing the right thing. Finding common ground. Fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. And Trusting in God’s Plan.
Although our mission began for family, our family grew to include the harmed who do not know us, the farmers who are misled, and our Nation that is trusting an untrustworthy rule.
There are no words for the journey, thus far. Only by the Grace of God have we gotten here. As we enter the next chapter together, I share a song list with you that was inspired through the challenging valleys. I pray it inspires you also as we unite and embark upon the mountain ahead. Together, we can do this.
Mom On A Mission503,

Paula B. Yockel