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It’s Time You Know

Truck dumping sludge on land

Most biosolids in the U.S.
are applied to soils.

Source: National Biosolids Data Project, 2021. Data on biosolids management in the U.S.biosolidsdata.org, accessed Feb. 7, 2022
Home Page www.biosolidsdata.org, accessed Feb. 7, 2022
Biosolids are sewer sludge

Biosolids are sewage sludge.

Source: www.epa.gov/basics of Biosolids, accessed Feb. 7, 2022.
Truck dumping sludge onto soil

The EPA’s controls over land applying biosolids … may not fully protect human health and the environment.

Source: OIG Report: EPA Unable to Assess the Impact of Hundreds of Unregulated Pollutants in Land-Applied Biosolids on Human Health and the Environment.  Report #19-P-0002, November 15, 2018;  https://www.epa.gov, accessed Feb. 20, 2022
Tractor hauling tons of sludge

2018:  The EPA identified 352 pollutants in biosolids … monitors for 9 regulated pollutants.

Source: OIG Report: EPA Unable to Assess the Impact of Hundreds of Unregulated Pollutants in Land-Applied Biosolids on Human Health and the Environment.  Report #19-P-0002, November 15, 2018; www.epa.gov, accessed Feb. 20, 2022
Overview of sludge on land

Enteric [Intestinal] bacteria were detected in air samples collected at the land application site.

Source: CDC/NIOSH. Guidance For Controlling Potential Risks To Workers Exposed to Class B Biosolids. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2002-149. July 2002, accessed April 14, 2022.
Corn, strawberries and farmland cattle being affected by biosolids

Food and feed crops can be grown on biosolids within harvesting rules.  Animals can be grazed after 30 days.

Source: National Archives. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 40 / Chapter I / Subchapter O / Part 503. Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge. Section 503.32. https://www.ecfr.gov, accessed June 12, 2022.
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Sludge PileSludge Pile

America, It’s Time You Know

It's time you know about "biosolids" and the harm they are imposing on our Nation.  

What are biosolids? Biosolids are sewage sludge disguised by a clever name, being disposed as “agricultural fertilizer” on farmland across our Nation.

Driven by a quest to understand what was harming my family, six years of verifiable primary research has compelled me to share my findings with you. It’s not just my family and not just my community being harmed—biosolids happen everywhere.  

Biosolids are in fact a dangerous slurry of toxic chemicals and viable pathogens from processed municipal, residential, institutional, and industrial sewage being disposed on America’s farmland—and has been for decades. From croplands to beef and dairy pastures, landfills to garden compost, biosolids are polluting America.

The harm doesn’t end with polluted soils, groundwater, wildlife, and food supply. Our testing and research reveal that biosolids become airborne and enter our lives and lungs through gases, dusts, winds, and the natural cycle of water resulting in illness, contamination, and loss of fundamental freedoms for countless Americans like my family. 

Paula holding sign in front of American flag

How is it even possible that our Nation does this? Municipal sewage has been discarded on soils and in natural waters since modern municipal sewer systems were built. When ocean-dumping of sewage was banned in 1988, federal agencies were tasked with crafting guidelines to regulate, yet still promote, the existing practice of land-disposing sewage. The result? The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations—40 CFR Part 503—the “503 Rule”.  Responsible for permitting and promoting the mass distribution of sewage sludge onto America’s farmland and into our lives—the 503 Rule must end. And I’m on a mission to do so. But it will take all of us—uniting on common ground and solid facts—to change a federal rule.

This is a problem worth solving. We are prepared to recommend and activate collaborative solutions with policy makers and industry. National infrastructure improvements without addressing biosolids are incomplete. Our research demonstrates that the cost of maintaining the status quo far exceeds the cost of change. It is time for change.  


Please watch our brief video below.  It’s time you know what we’ve learned and what’s at stake. Then, please join us. Get informed, get involved, and join our Mission503 today. Together, we can do this.  

Mom on a Mission503,

Paula Signature

Paula B. Yockel

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